Monday, March 19, 2012

Blog #3

Using the results from the career cluster survey- list the three career areas you were most interested in.
Brainstorm different jobs that you think may fall in to that career category and chose one.

For each one, explain why you are interested and why you think you'd be successful in that area.  Each career should have 2-3 sentences of explanation.

Here is an example:

Ms. Allred

Career Cluster 1- Education and Training :
Teacher- A career in education would be very interesting to me because I am intrigued by America's education system. I think it's important for children to get a good education, and I would take pride knowing that I had a positive influence on a child. I think I would be successful in this career because I like working with kids, and I love to learn.

Career Cluster 2- -------

Career 3----

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Blog #2

To Kill a Mockingbird has many differen themes, or lessons, for the reader to learn. One major idea that the author stresses is that "girls should act like girls." In 2-3 sentences, explain that it means to "act like a girl" in Maycomb, Alabama during the 1930's.

Next, identify at least one character who agrees with this idea, and provide an example from the novel where he or she emphasizes this idea. Use at least one quote extracted from the novel. Make sure to use page numbers and quotation marks.

Your total blog response should be between 6-10 sentences. Be sure to use correct spelling and grammar.
Due: 2/9/12 (A)   2/10/12(B)

Friday, January 27, 2012

Blog Entry #1: Quote Response

“If you can learn a simple trick Scout, you’ll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks.
You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of
view…until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.” Atticus

Using the quote from Atticus Finch, explain what you think he means as he's talking to Scout. What does it mean to climb into someone's skin and walk around in it? How can this be applied to situations in the novel, and how could it have been applied in the Jim Crow Era?

Respond on YOUR blog in at least 8-10 complete sentences. Title your blog: Blog Entry #1- Quote Response

A Day Due: Wednesday, Feb. 1st
B Day Due: Thursday, Feb. 2nd